Linux Web Hosting

T3city offers Linux Web Hosting on both Virtual Servers and Dedicated Servers. Linux is a very reliable and high performance platform for any type of web site. If your site requires Microsoft's ASP or ASP.Net, then take a look at our Windows Web Hosting packages. Otherwise, we recommend Linux Web Hosting because of its reliability, performance, low cost and wide availability of virtual server compatible applications. The following is a list of the standard features available on our Linux hosting platform:

  • Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (With Apache 2.x)
  • Debian GNU/Linux 3.1
  • Apache 2.x
  • PHP 4.x
  • Perl 5.x
  • MySQL 4.x (on plans that include database support)
  • SSL (on plans that include SSL support)
  • FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions

If you don't see the feature you need, contact us and let us know what is missing.

Our preferred hosting platform is Debian 3.1. We like Debian for its emphasis on stability and security. On dedicated hosting platforms, we also support market leaders RedHat and Suse.